Epic Shit | Day 3

by Wednesday, July 01, 2015 1 comments
What is my spirit telling me? It's telling me that I want a happy life with my wonderful husband and a few rambunctious kids. It wants our family to be happy and comfortable in our lives built on love, stability, and fun.

When it comes to my career, my spirit tells me to do something I'm passionate about. Sitting behind a desk might have to be there for certain portions of any career, but that isn't where I want to be for the majority of my time. I want to be outside, working with people and animals, sharing my passion for agriculture and the life it brings.

It also wants to make a difference. I want to help those in need but not to prop them up but to help them stand on their own two feet and make things happen for themselves.

I want to go to vet school. Always have. There is a lot of things which could hold me back. It's a huge endeavor which will require a major lifestyle change, moving, and way less income for a number of years. But it's my dream. And it's worth it.

Guiding what comes into my mind and only allowing the positive thoughts about my future is a huge challenge, but one I'm so excited to try!

"Your spirits dream of a perfect life is your destiny."


The Sonoran Desert is home, beef is my fuel, dancing is my happy, and horses are my transportation.

1 comment:

  1. A dream is a heart wish and when you give into it, it will happen. Just you wait and see!
