Epic Shit | Day 8

by Wednesday, July 08, 2015 0 comments
I have many people with whom I want to share my passions and epic awesomeness.

A great example just happened yesterday. We work with our Arizona Beef Ambassador every year to help train him or her for the National Beef Ambassador Program which offers them a chance to compete for a spot on the national team. My co-workers and I share our passion and knowledge about the beef community with this young person and it's so awesome! I left our day long training session yesterday mentally exhausted but still so excited about our contestant this year. She is a rock star already, but it's so fun to see how much she learned and grew in just one day.

Another group of people I love to work with include young people learning to ride and show. Working, training, and showing horses is tough if you are the one doing all the work and that's how it is at Nelson Farms. But it's tough work which forces you to learn and grow, develop patience, a sense of fairness, and also when it's time to take a stand. My favorite part of this process is watching a young lady who came to the barn meek and mild who then grows up into a strong confident woman. I saw it happen within myself and my friends and now I'm old enough to see it in the next generation.

I also want to share my epic shit with my friends and family and hope to be a source of motivation and positivity. Life inevitably gets rough and I hope my friends reach out to me for the support they need to get out of their funk.


The Sonoran Desert is home, beef is my fuel, dancing is my happy, and horses are my transportation.


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