It's true. I heart beef. And cattle. And the ranching life. And anything to do with raising and producing this amazing, vitamin packed protein!
It's true. I love beef! |
While I wasn't raised on a ranch, nor do I have relatives who farm or ranch, I have a passion for the food we enjoy everyday and the people who raise it. This all started when I began eating food. HA! Okay not technically, but if you like to eat then you do like agriculture! No, my passion for agriculture and the beef community really started in college. I joined a club, got some hands-on experience with cattle, but more importantly started getting to know the folks who were really out there raising the beef I enjoyed. I was drawn to their drive, strength and hard working attitudes. Raising cattle isn't an easy life, but these people did it and most with a smile on their face.
Perks of the job include a little bit of riding and pushing cattle. |
Fast forward to college graduation and my new job comes into focus. I started at the Arizona Beef Council just one short week after walking across a big stage and being handed the most expensive piece of paper I've ever owned. I thought it would at least have some gold lame accents, but I was sorely disappointed. Little did I know, this new job was going to take me on an adventure.
So now I love beef not only for it's delicious, mouth watering flavor, while also being healthy and satisfying, but also because of the places it's taken me, the people I've meant, and the lessons I've learned along the way.
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