Have you ever noticed how much your thoughts dictate the direction your day goes? For example: I woke up in a funk a few weeks back. Okay, let's be real, it was last Monday. My eyes opened and immediately I thought, "Daaaammmmittt! I have to get out of bed early and be an adult today!" Not the best way to start off a morning. Needless to say, my morning was rushed, traffic sucked, and at work I felt like a hamster on a wheel. Running really fast but getting no where.
Sometimes you need to use your powers for good and not allow the evil thoughts like, "Monday's SUCK!" enter your head. When your are having a bad day, change how you think about it. Say to yourself, "Today is going to rock because I am going to make it rock!" It's not easy, because things will happen which piss you off and you'll have to keep reminding yourself the day does, indeed, still rock despite the setback. Those things won't seem like such a big deal with your positive frame of reference.
Like many people out there waking up is hard and waking up early is even more hard. It's tough to not think about how much it sucks to drag yourself out of bed early in the morning, but try an experiment with me. When you wake up tomorrow let the first thought in your head be something positive. Set the intention the night before and direct yourself there upon waking. Then during the day, keep reminding yourself how great today is and what a wonderful gift you have been given. See how your day proceeds.
The Sonoran Desert is home, beef is my fuel, dancing is my happy, and horses are my transportation.
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