Epic Shit | Going Underground

by Tuesday, July 14, 2015 0 comments
I've so thoroughly enjoyed this Epic Shit Challenge and have learned so much about myself and where I want to go. But I need to take more time and really process what I'm discovering. I caught myself a bit behind yesterday, so I sat down on the couch, with my iPad in one hand and a notebook in the other. I needed distance from a computer but didn't want to miss this chance to think things through.

In Day 14, Sarah mentions that if you aren't feeling super fired up and clear, then you should take some time. So that is what I've decided to do. I was committed to this challenge, but obviously not at a level in which I can accomplish much, as per the evidence of my consistent lagging behind. But don't give up on me! I'm going to start at Day 1, read my blog, listen to Sarah's challenge, and give the prompts the time they deserve. The time I deserve, to think about what I am actually doing. 

For this re-do, I'm going to keep it in a journal which I will keep to myself, for know. I might share, I might not, but what I'm going to do is be completely honest with myself and find out where I can really make my epic shit rock!

Stay tuned. I bet I'll come up with some great blog posts out of all of this!


The Sonoran Desert is home, beef is my fuel, dancing is my happy, and horses are my transportation.


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